Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lit Analysis Mindmap

Today, I led all three periods in a brainstorm of all the books we've read in all our English classes -- all the way back to freshman year. You know, those stories that are sitting in the back of your brain, on which you probably couldn't sit down and write an essay cold right this minute, but maybe if you read one or two literature analyses to refresh your memory, you just might be able to. As of now (Wednesday, 6:18 pm) this is still a work in progress, but if you see it now, that means you can see it updated in real time! You can find the list of books from previous classes if you scroll directly up from center. Click here to see the mindmap in all its fullscreen glory, or check out the preview below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

AP GoPo Reading Calendar

In case you wanted a more visual version of the reading calendar handout... tadaaa! I made this in Word for myself, and then I thought, "This'll take two seconds to copy-paste onto the RAM blog, and it might be useful to someone!" Might as well, y'know?

Unit 1
 "Constitutional Underpinnings"
Ch 1: The Study of American Government (p.2-19)
Ch 2: The Constitution (p.20-49)
Ch 3: Federalism (p.50-77)
Unit 1 test
Unit 2
"The Judiciary, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights"
Ch 16: The Judiciary (p.438-468)
Ch 5: Civil Liberties (p.100-129)
Ch 6: Civil Rights (p.130-160)
Unit 2 test
Unit 3
"Political Beliefs, Behavior, Campaigns, Elections"
Ch 4: American Political Culture (p.78-99)
Ch 7: Public Opinion (p.162-181)
Ch 8: Political Participation (p.182-201)
Ch 10: Elections and Campaigns (p.234-269)
Unit 3 test
Unit 4
"Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media"
Ch 12: The Media (p.298-324)
Ch 9: Political Parties (p.202-233)
Ch 11: Interest Groups (p.270-297)
Unit 4 test
Unit 5
"Congress, the Presidency, the Bureaucracy"
Ch 13: Congress (p.326-363)
Ch 14: The Presidency (p.364-407)
Ch 15: The Bureaucracy (p.408-437)
Unit 5 test
Unit 6
"Public Policy, Foreign Policy, and the Budget"
Ch 17: The Policymaking Process (p.470-491)
Ch 18: Economic Policy (p.492-513)
Ch 19: Social Welfare (p.514-533)
Ch 20: Environmental Policy (p.564-580)
Unit 6 test
final gov't exam & econ review
spring break
AP Gov't/Pol exam 5/13
AP Microecon exam 5/15

Monday, December 9, 2013

Finals Schedule

0 Period 7:30 - 9:20
Lunch 9:20 - 9:40
1 Period 9:50 - 11:40
6 Period 11:50 - 1:40
2 Period 8:30 - 10:20
Lunch 10:20 - 10:40
3 Period 10:50 - 12:40
4 Period 8:30 - 10:20
Lunch 10:20 - 10:40
5 Period 10:50 - 12:40

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

AP Government and Politics - Discussing Second Semester

So today in AP Microeconomics, Mr. Nesper briefly talked about what we would be doing in second semester for AP Government and Politics. Here is what I gathered/remember:

  • AP Government will be more like history classes than Microeconomics.
  • We will be learning AP Government and Politics for three months and a half during second semester, after that we will go back and review AP Microeconomics to prepare for the AP Exam.
  • Although Mr. Nesper will be teaching us about the government and about politics, he said that we would have to do a lot of reading to understand the material on our own because he can't go over each subject thoroughly since we will only have three months.
  • Yes, we will have homework during winter and spring break.
  • We will be taking a test? quiz? the first day we come back to school on the reading material that we will be assigned to read during winter break.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Haiyan Fundraiser

This just in from Lesther Valenzuela:

"Project Humanity - a RHS Club of concerned students - would like the entire student body to join in and help send our support to the people in the Philippines after the devastating typhoon last weekend. We are asking that tomorrow during 3rd period - a coin can will be sent around to each class. Please just drop in any coins you might have in your pockets. Many have been affected so every cent counts. Let's show that the Righetti Warriors are always willing to help out in times of need so that they will push on and never give up on life which are the true warriors in life. The people of the Philippines will be ever so grateful for your support! Thank you so much!"

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4

During today's 30-minute period, Dr. Preston went over some recent posts on the course blog, and then turned the class over to us for a Socratic Seminar. Jake suggested a discusssion on "Modern Thinkers" or something relevant like that, except then some girl named Lisa hijacked the class AGAIN to talk about Random Absence Mentoring *looks around nervously*

Anyway, I was basically asking for more feedback about if there were any other classes that people thought Random Absence Mentoring could benefit. Several people had already mentioned AP Calculus AB, and today I believe Brenna suggested AP Environmental Science (and a bunch of people agreed) so I'll set up a tab here for you guys (wow, I sound like a bartender O.O)

Also, Lauren asked about the Google Calendar, which is a pretty new feature that I put up recently. It's pretty much an embeddable, collaborative calendar that anyone (at least, anyone who's been invited, I hate that extra step) can add events to. I'd love for everyone in this class to be able to add to it so it would be like the Grapevine plus the announcements we do in Mr. Nesper's class, all rolled up into one convenient format that you can access even when you're absent. I was a little hesitant to send invites at first, but I asked everyone in 3rd period if I should just invite everyone at once, and they agreed that would be the easiest way to go about it. So, I sent an invite using the Google Group's mailing list, and at the moment I'm still not sure whether it worked. If not, I'll just do it the old fashioned way.

As always, if you have any suggestions for classes that would benefit from a Random Absence Mentoring blog, or if you'd like an invite to the Google Group, the Google Calendar, or as an author here, please comment!