Thursday, October 24, 2013

October 24

Today in class we took a vocab quiz. One of the questions mentioned "fluency" in vocab words, which Dr. Preston said was just like foreign languages. (I noticed a lot of people were like "whaaaaat" when he spoke in Spanish, so I'll translate: "Hay muchas palabras en español que no recuerdo porque no practico bastante." = "There are many words in Spanish that I don't remember because I don't practice enough.") Even if you're able to understand a language, but you're not actually fluent, then when you listen to someone speak you have to sort of translate the words to English and THEN you understand it. It's the same with vocabulary-- really owning the words requires practicing until they are a seamless part of our speech and writing, preferably without immediately remembering that they're "vocabulary" words at all.

Also: Literature Analysis #3 is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

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