Tuesday, November 26, 2013

November 22

Today, Dr. Preston started off class by reminding us to have fun during our senior year, and try not to get too caught up in homework/college/scholarship apps/etc. And, if you're having trouble keeping up in English, let him know.

Also, he pointed out this post on his blog, saying that if anyone's interested in becoming a professional writer, talk to him.

Then we took some notes on No Exit. Here's the gist of mine:
  • written by Jean Paul Sartre, a French writer, intellectual, and existentialist
  • existentialism is concerned with the question, what is the purpose/meaning of our lives?
  • what is important/meaningful and why?
  • disorientation/confusion in absurd life
  • "existence precedes essence"
  • Descartes remix-- I am, therefore I think I am
  • in No Exit, 3 people (btw, they don't like each other) are sitting in a room, trying to figure out meaning/nature of reality for themselves
  • famous line, "Hell is other people."
  • Sartre quote: "Men are condemned to be free."
  • meaning, freedom requires work! independence isn't easy, we're usually dependent on instruction and characterized by limitation
  • for homework, we need to read No Exit, take notes on the story, and answer the questions within the text.
  • notes and questions/answers can be put in the same blog post, due Tuesday, 11/26
  • as we're reading, we should be drawing parallels between No Exit and the Allegory of the Cave (hint hint essay hint)

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